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From now on you can support GoldenHearts with every Amazon purchase! The whole thing runs for you as an Amazon customer at no additional cost. With the Amazon Smile programme, the online giant Amazon donates 0.5% of every qualified purchase. So you can support charities at no extra cost and do something good with every purchase.

Amazon gives 0.5% of the purchase amount of the qualified AmazonSmile purchases you make to GoldenHearts. How exactly does this work? Here you will find the simple instructions on how to use AmazonSmile.

AmazonSmile – How it works

Step 1: Instead of, select in your web browser and log in as usual with your Amazon user data.

(To make a donation, you will still need to access the Amazon Shop via in the future. If you only buy via, you will no longer be able to donate).

Step 2: Enter “GoldenHearts” in the AmazonSmile search box to select the correct organisation.

Step 3: “GoldenHearts UG” appears in the results. Here you can now select GoldenHearts as the organisation to support when shopping with Amazon.

Step 4: You will then see that you have selected your desired organisation.

Step 5: The user sees the notice “Supported is:…” on the AmazonSmile shopping page. This notice also appears on new visits to the homepage.

If you need assistance with the set-up, our support team is always available at